Saltfish Buljol.

Prep time 10 mins,

Cook time 30 mins,

Total time 40 mins,

Recipe type: Seafood, Breakfast,

Cuisine: Creole,

Serves: Serves 3


½ lb saltfish (salted pollock or shark),

1 medium-size onion, chopped,

2 tbsp hot pepper sauce or half a hot pepper (or add pepper to taste),

1 sprig chive chopped,

½ lemon or 1 lime,

2 tbsp olive oil,

3 medium sized tomatoes chopped.


1. Boil, clean and debone the Saltfish. Break into small pieces and wash to take out excess salt. Take up handfuls of saltfish and squeeze out water.

2. In a separate bowl add onion, chive, tomatoes, olive oil, lemon juice and pepper to saltfish and mix thoroughly.

3. Refrigerate or serve right away.



